Friday, August 08, 2003
happy birthday noah!
I can't believe it has been 7 years since I had my son. I was 23 and knew NOTHING! I had never even changed a diaper. I remember, being absolutely terrified and absolutely in love at the same time. I stayed awake all night just holding him, watching him sleep realizing this was our last night alone, just the two of us. For 9 months I got to have him all to myself feeling every movement he made. I loved it best when he got the hiccups! That last night alone I promised him I would be the best mother I could and show him that even when life sends you in directions you never expected to go in a million years, that you could still be anything and do anything you wanted. Becoming a mom made me the person I am today. I see with eyes I would never have seen with before. My children give me a courage to do the the things I am most scared of. The first gallery I ever walked into to try to put work in, I had artwork on one hip and my 10 month old on the other hip. The owner accepted all 9 of my pieces. I was sure she was just being nice to a young mother, but when I got home (still shaking from "putting myself out there") she called to say she had already sold a piece. I ended up selling all 9 in the next few months. I know I would have never been able to walk in that gallery back then if I wasn't clinging for dear life to my baby. I remembered my promise to him and did what I said I would do despite the paralyzing fear of rejection. Happy birthday Noah, and thank you for all that you have given me. I love you.
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