Sunday, August 17, 2003
Hi, my name is Michelle and I am a workaholic.
Ok, so I eat, breathe, dream, pray, and meditate about work. That's not unhealthy, right? Ok, maybe a wee. But I LOVE what I do!! My husband helps keep me in check and forces me to stop and sit every now and then. I seriously could be creating or thinking about work every single second of the day and it can be so hard to stop. Yesterday I completely took the day off and mowed the front and back yard, cleaned the entire house (HATE cleaning), played with the kiddos and packed most of my husband's things for his trip to NH. I also made a very good spaghetti sauce if I do say so myself! Pent up energy from not creating????
So, why am I writing all this? Because this morning at 6am I dropped off my husband at the airport. I am happy for him that he gets to go do something he loves so much. (he is going on a photoshoot) But, MORE importantly, I can go CRAZY with work! I can work from the minute my kids go to school until I pick them up. Then I can work again when they go to bed until the wee hours of the night. And NO ONE to tell me no, NO ONE to feel neglected. Woohoo!! Now, I don't do this all the time, so I am not being unhealthy, but all you creatives out there can understand. Our brains our going a million miles a minute constanly thinking about what we could create next. And we constantly cry, "I just need MORE TIME!" So that is why I am so happy!! I have more time for the next two weeks!! I already put some new things on my website. Go peek around and find my "Mini Smiles." Guaranteed to make you smile...
So, why am I writing all this? Because this morning at 6am I dropped off my husband at the airport. I am happy for him that he gets to go do something he loves so much. (he is going on a photoshoot) But, MORE importantly, I can go CRAZY with work! I can work from the minute my kids go to school until I pick them up. Then I can work again when they go to bed until the wee hours of the night. And NO ONE to tell me no, NO ONE to feel neglected. Woohoo!! Now, I don't do this all the time, so I am not being unhealthy, but all you creatives out there can understand. Our brains our going a million miles a minute constanly thinking about what we could create next. And we constantly cry, "I just need MORE TIME!" So that is why I am so happy!! I have more time for the next two weeks!! I already put some new things on my website. Go peek around and find my "Mini Smiles." Guaranteed to make you smile...
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