Wednesday, October 15, 2003
bit of craziness...
Sure it will be a good idea to work onsite for the three days right before my big festival...not! Oh well, here I sit in someone else's office keeping them up to date while my mind thinks of all the things I need to get done when I get home. I have not gone to bed until well past midnight for over a week now and a nasty head cold has gotten a hold of me. Luckily, I am waaay too excited for my festival to let any of this bother me! I picked up a banner I had made yesterday and it is too cute! I am really excited and cannot wait to see my booth all put together. A whole lot of craziness going on! I have been so busy lately that I said in passing to my son yesterday, "I guess mommy is not being such a good mommy lately, huh?" He quickly replied, "Don't say that! You are the best mommy ever! You are just a busy mommy right now!" THAT made me feel alot better. I truly am enjoying this frenzy of preparation and cannot wait to sit in the sunshine and meet new people this weekend! Wish me luck!
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