Monday, December 06, 2004
I love French Toast Girl!

So I am sitting up at my studio working on a kitty painting and a pug painting and the mailman comes and hands me a card. Mail! I love getting mail! Who doesn't love getting mail!? I see the return address and get even more excited! It is from Elena, French Toast Girl. Inside is the most amazing Christmas card. (really the quality is fantastic and the colors pop like crazy - where did you get them printed?) Plus there is a note about our friendship- made me grin from ear to ear - then there is a family update - life is settling a bit, I am so happy for you -and then there is a pic of the cutest three babies you ever did see!! Then there was a copy of her illustration for Fiesta for Illustration Friday. Oh my, it is just so wonderful to see in person! I, of course put it right up on my inspiration board for all to see. And I wanted you all to see too. This gal is so special to me and I love her to death.
On a quick side note: Three years ago I somehow came across her site - before blogging. I just read all her past written entries. I remember sitting at this terrible job I hated. I felt like it was killing me. But everyday I would pour through Elena's site and it gave me such hope, such joy. I knew that how she saw life is how I saw life but I was too scared to do anything about it. Slowly though, little by little I gained confidence until that fateful day 2 years ago when I had a festival tent. And life changed. I now have a life I only dreamed about three years ago. With every painting bought I still think, "Wow! Someone is paying me actually money for my art!" I definitely credit Elena with helping me move closer to my dreams. And last August getting to meet her and Jill - Mortal Mom (another amazing inspiration in my life) was just, well, the bees knees. And now I call French Toast Girl a friend. Isn't life cool like that? Thank you Elena, for everything. You make a difference. And I am sure I am far from the only one.
And check in tomorrow on another super cool story about a penguin girl, a mitten fanatic, and me. It is an incredible story and it comes with pics!
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