Saturday, February 04, 2006
Miss Molly

I wanted to take a minute out of all the busy-ness in my life and plug a woman who inspires me so very much. Her name is Molly Mednikow. I met her at an art festival last April. (Can you believe it is almost a year, Molly???) The second I met her we resonated. I think we each feel each other's passion and energy for what we do. My art drew her in and we had one of those conversations where we each couldn't stop talking about how happy we were to follow our hearts. Molly left a very nice life in Atlanta where she ran her family's jewelry business in a very upscale part of town to follow her heart. I have no doubt she had very nice things, dined in the nicest of restaurants and lived a very comfortable life. She left it all, despite family protests, and moved to Iquitos, Peru. She started a nonprofit organization called Don Perrito, which is now Amazon C.A.R.E.S. Her organization saves the lives of countless pets in Peru. The stories are heartbreaking but also joyful. Without Molly's intervention, there would be so much more needless suffering of animals there. Molly cares. She educates. Molly has a passion for not just animals, but people. She employs many locals in her organization and has started programs with the local children. She has gotten Pedigree to sponsor a trip for me to go down there, hopefully, this summer, and run and art program with the local children. Her life is not what you would consider an easy one. She deals with more red tape than I would want to. She has sold beloved possessions to fund her work. She tirelessly asks for help and donations that she needs after spending all her own money. This woman has passion. Passion for a cause and what she must do. She has a mission and is fulfilling it everyday. And I have no doubt there are days she wants to run away and hide because it can be so difficult. Molly is one of my heros. And when things settle down for me with my gallery I can't wait to help her even more. I designed her new site and logo. Please go take a look and see what she is doing. And if it so moves you, donate a few dollars. It goes a long way down there! Molly, you make a difference in so many ways! Keep on going, girl! You rock!
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