Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Oh how i've missed you Diary!
Dear Diary,
I'm so sorry I haven't written in you in SUCH a long time! I feel just awful about it. I have so much to tell you! I have been so very busy! But I will try to catch you up and will include pictures too! Does that help diary? Pictures too? Yes? Do you forgive me? Ok, on with the story!
Let's see I have to go back aways. I went off to Florida for St. Paddy's day. I drank some beer out of some really lovely tall beer glasses that gave you a necklace in the bottom for free! FREE jewlery? And big, tall beer? SCORE! Best Boyfriend Ever and I had quite the night of great fun with the most awesome people that probably live in all of Florida. Now, there certainly are sure to be lots of awesome people in a state that is surrounded by beach on three sides, cause well, you live near lots of BEACH, but I have not met all of them yet, and so right now the ones that drink beer with me, show me cool places to hang, and have the super coolest backyard to hang out in later this summer? Yeah, they ARE the coolest in all of Florida. But hey, other Florida people, don't be jealous! Think you are the coolest? Are you sitting there reading this thinking, "Hey, I thought I was the coolest person in all of Florida, what the hell?" Ring me up, invite me to your beach front condo, give me a margarita and make me laugh until my sides ache! You can be the second most coolest people AND my new best friends. (Please note: this audition is for coastal Floridians only. Central Floridians need not apply. Not an equal opportunity situation. Must come with BEACH.)

Oh, and several people have written in to ask me why I don't post pics of Best Boyfriend Ever. Writing things like, "we don't believe he is real!" and " We think he is a figment of your imagination. You buy flowers for yourself and you are just a onesome dog lady that has a pretend boyfriend." Geez, people how mean are YOU??? He is for real, quite real I assure you! But hello??? This blog is all about me! ME! He doen't sit down and lovingly and without typos (ha!) take the time to write to you! I do! ME!!! So no pics of him. Ok, actually all that is a lie. But it sounded good didn't it? No one has written in, not one. And there is a perfectly good reason why I am not putting pics of him up here. But I'm not telling. And I am certainly not telling you that he is in the witness protection plan. or that he is part of an atlanta mafia crime family. or that he is a super undercover cia agent. Maybe it is on of these reasons. Maybe none. Maybe I am a crazy lonely dog lady with a good imagination. All for you to decide my friends....
Moving on....
(luckily Best Boyfriend Ever finds my bizare behaviour and writing style charming. If indeed he exists at all.)
Ok, then we got back and Noah the Great, or "the dude" as I love to call him and miraculously he still lets me do, plays the sax. And I think I mentioned before, he plays it WELL! Which, with his brains, make me wonder about switched babies at the hospital, but no matter! He is MINE now and and I claim his genetics! Maybe I CAN learn to play the guitar yet! ok, no...sorry college music teacher, a promise is a promise. I will live vicariously through my son. Isn't that what all good parents do? Anyhoo, he was in a competition! And his band got three superior marks! THREE!! The best from ALL THREE judges! I had zero previous knowledge of any of this music whozi whatzis, but now i do! And he is GOOD! And he gets a trophy today! Yay DUDE! You rock little man! I loves ya so much!

Miss Sophie Loafie Lovey Dove is just a firecracker these days. Good lord do I adore this child. She draws and creates and has drawn up architectural plans for Chester the fourteen year old cat she will be "getting" from best boyfriend ever when we move in together later this summer. Yes, a cat castle. With a drawbridge! She is now collecting cardboard and boxes for what appears to be quite the architectural challenge and design undertaking. I have not yet told her that fourteen year old cats are more like, "Um, yeah, nice castle kid. But your pillow? Yeah that's where I'll be sleeping from now on. Why don't you go sleep in the castle. Oh and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........." Yeah, she is expecting a kitten all frolicky and playful. But ya know, life's surprises are what it's all about right? Right. Heh.
We took the kids to Waffle House this weekend. Nothing at all of importance happened there except for some really great smothered, covered, diced and chunked, but I did snap a few pictures that I think will make all the difference to Harvard during the interview. Yep, my kids are the future!!! You might want to make sure you put a little something away for your future people...

The gallery guy came by last Thursday. I took the day off of work (I will not get into how wrong that sentence is, this is just for now, this is just for now...) to get my paintings ready. I was a nervous wreck thinking he would pull up after having driven out of his way to get them, take one look at them and go, "Lady, forget it! I came out here for this!!??" But strangely, he thanked me. HE. THANKED. ME. I am not sure an artist ever gets used to people liking and valuing their art. I mean, sure we hope for it, pray for it, beg for it, cry for it, but then when it actually happens? We are all Sally Field all of a sudden. (i don't have to actually write that next line do I ?)*
So he came, we signed papers, he is up there now at a much bigger that I thought, international home furnishings show in Highpoint, NC and he said he will call if he sells anything, but that no matter what he is bringing my work back to New Orleans to put int he gallery there. Boooya!
Workwise: i am a wee behind on commissions with this freelance job taking a lot of time. At the end of each week they ask me back for one more week. And since I was so slow for so long it is really hard to say no to good money. That plus my medical bills are now at roughly $3000.00 For a damn finger. But I do refer to it as my lucky finger. Why? Becasue it saved my butt from falling down the stairs where i would have been a lot more crookedy in a lot more places, and if one itty bitty finger is $3000, i don't wanna know what "Well, Ms. Abeyta, we managed to save your foot, and we got your elbows back in place, but the damage done to your nose is going to take quite a lot of plastic surgery" costs. So yes, lucky finger it is! Oh, and I went to the doctor yesterday because well, the bone healed rotated and it bends in the wrong direction now. So I do need surgery. Well, need in the sense that if I want a perfectly stright bends in the right way, need surgery. It will cost me a mere $8000 more. To which I said, "blink....blink....blink....Hey, did I show you this cool trick I can do with my lucky finger???!!!"

And that my dear diary, is what is going on with me. I hope to be painting full time again soon as I am WAY behind and while I do love my little cubicle, it is not where I am supposed to be. So just for a wee bit longer then off I go back to my super sweet love it like no other studio. Promise. And I leave you with a shot that happens when the Sophinator gets hold of the camera and is bored. Behold the future!

*You like me, you REALLY like me!"
I'm so sorry I haven't written in you in SUCH a long time! I feel just awful about it. I have so much to tell you! I have been so very busy! But I will try to catch you up and will include pictures too! Does that help diary? Pictures too? Yes? Do you forgive me? Ok, on with the story!
Let's see I have to go back aways. I went off to Florida for St. Paddy's day. I drank some beer out of some really lovely tall beer glasses that gave you a necklace in the bottom for free! FREE jewlery? And big, tall beer? SCORE! Best Boyfriend Ever and I had quite the night of great fun with the most awesome people that probably live in all of Florida. Now, there certainly are sure to be lots of awesome people in a state that is surrounded by beach on three sides, cause well, you live near lots of BEACH, but I have not met all of them yet, and so right now the ones that drink beer with me, show me cool places to hang, and have the super coolest backyard to hang out in later this summer? Yeah, they ARE the coolest in all of Florida. But hey, other Florida people, don't be jealous! Think you are the coolest? Are you sitting there reading this thinking, "Hey, I thought I was the coolest person in all of Florida, what the hell?" Ring me up, invite me to your beach front condo, give me a margarita and make me laugh until my sides ache! You can be the second most coolest people AND my new best friends. (Please note: this audition is for coastal Floridians only. Central Floridians need not apply. Not an equal opportunity situation. Must come with BEACH.)

Oh, and several people have written in to ask me why I don't post pics of Best Boyfriend Ever. Writing things like, "we don't believe he is real!" and " We think he is a figment of your imagination. You buy flowers for yourself and you are just a onesome dog lady that has a pretend boyfriend." Geez, people how mean are YOU??? He is for real, quite real I assure you! But hello??? This blog is all about me! ME! He doen't sit down and lovingly and without typos (ha!) take the time to write to you! I do! ME!!! So no pics of him. Ok, actually all that is a lie. But it sounded good didn't it? No one has written in, not one. And there is a perfectly good reason why I am not putting pics of him up here. But I'm not telling. And I am certainly not telling you that he is in the witness protection plan. or that he is part of an atlanta mafia crime family. or that he is a super undercover cia agent. Maybe it is on of these reasons. Maybe none. Maybe I am a crazy lonely dog lady with a good imagination. All for you to decide my friends....
Moving on....
(luckily Best Boyfriend Ever finds my bizare behaviour and writing style charming. If indeed he exists at all.)
Ok, then we got back and Noah the Great, or "the dude" as I love to call him and miraculously he still lets me do, plays the sax. And I think I mentioned before, he plays it WELL! Which, with his brains, make me wonder about switched babies at the hospital, but no matter! He is MINE now and and I claim his genetics! Maybe I CAN learn to play the guitar yet! ok, no...sorry college music teacher, a promise is a promise. I will live vicariously through my son. Isn't that what all good parents do? Anyhoo, he was in a competition! And his band got three superior marks! THREE!! The best from ALL THREE judges! I had zero previous knowledge of any of this music whozi whatzis, but now i do! And he is GOOD! And he gets a trophy today! Yay DUDE! You rock little man! I loves ya so much!

Miss Sophie Loafie Lovey Dove is just a firecracker these days. Good lord do I adore this child. She draws and creates and has drawn up architectural plans for Chester the fourteen year old cat she will be "getting" from best boyfriend ever when we move in together later this summer. Yes, a cat castle. With a drawbridge! She is now collecting cardboard and boxes for what appears to be quite the architectural challenge and design undertaking. I have not yet told her that fourteen year old cats are more like, "Um, yeah, nice castle kid. But your pillow? Yeah that's where I'll be sleeping from now on. Why don't you go sleep in the castle. Oh and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........." Yeah, she is expecting a kitten all frolicky and playful. But ya know, life's surprises are what it's all about right? Right. Heh.
We took the kids to Waffle House this weekend. Nothing at all of importance happened there except for some really great smothered, covered, diced and chunked, but I did snap a few pictures that I think will make all the difference to Harvard during the interview. Yep, my kids are the future!!! You might want to make sure you put a little something away for your future people...

The gallery guy came by last Thursday. I took the day off of work (I will not get into how wrong that sentence is, this is just for now, this is just for now...) to get my paintings ready. I was a nervous wreck thinking he would pull up after having driven out of his way to get them, take one look at them and go, "Lady, forget it! I came out here for this!!??" But strangely, he thanked me. HE. THANKED. ME. I am not sure an artist ever gets used to people liking and valuing their art. I mean, sure we hope for it, pray for it, beg for it, cry for it, but then when it actually happens? We are all Sally Field all of a sudden. (i don't have to actually write that next line do I ?)*
So he came, we signed papers, he is up there now at a much bigger that I thought, international home furnishings show in Highpoint, NC and he said he will call if he sells anything, but that no matter what he is bringing my work back to New Orleans to put int he gallery there. Boooya!
Workwise: i am a wee behind on commissions with this freelance job taking a lot of time. At the end of each week they ask me back for one more week. And since I was so slow for so long it is really hard to say no to good money. That plus my medical bills are now at roughly $3000.00 For a damn finger. But I do refer to it as my lucky finger. Why? Becasue it saved my butt from falling down the stairs where i would have been a lot more crookedy in a lot more places, and if one itty bitty finger is $3000, i don't wanna know what "Well, Ms. Abeyta, we managed to save your foot, and we got your elbows back in place, but the damage done to your nose is going to take quite a lot of plastic surgery" costs. So yes, lucky finger it is! Oh, and I went to the doctor yesterday because well, the bone healed rotated and it bends in the wrong direction now. So I do need surgery. Well, need in the sense that if I want a perfectly stright bends in the right way, need surgery. It will cost me a mere $8000 more. To which I said, "blink....blink....blink....Hey, did I show you this cool trick I can do with my lucky finger???!!!"

And that my dear diary, is what is going on with me. I hope to be painting full time again soon as I am WAY behind and while I do love my little cubicle, it is not where I am supposed to be. So just for a wee bit longer then off I go back to my super sweet love it like no other studio. Promise. And I leave you with a shot that happens when the Sophinator gets hold of the camera and is bored. Behold the future!

*You like me, you REALLY like me!"
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