Monday, July 02, 2007
Big Giant Painting delivered? Check!
So I wish I had "paint a giant brady bunch themed painting of pets on canvas" as a crazy thing to do on my life list of things to do. cause I would totally get to check it off now! The client loved it! Sadly, I did not get my appropriately lit photo for my bio pic done, but I may go back and get it down. we will see if there is time.
Things are crazy, and something tragic happened yesterday to one of my best friends, so I need to just keep my head down and keep plugging away while I acknowledge and am so grateful for how very lucky and wonderufl my life is. But I will be posting later today about my friend and setting up a way that maybe we can all help her out a bit. Please check back. it is a chance to help one of my friends that her life is indeed, worth still living.

Things are crazy, and something tragic happened yesterday to one of my best friends, so I need to just keep my head down and keep plugging away while I acknowledge and am so grateful for how very lucky and wonderufl my life is. But I will be posting later today about my friend and setting up a way that maybe we can all help her out a bit. Please check back. it is a chance to help one of my friends that her life is indeed, worth still living.

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