Monday, July 09, 2007
Hello all. The past week has been, well, there really aren't any words. I am beyond tired, and production of my book is almost done. I had photoshoot last week with my Lucy Goosy and I hope we got something cute for my bio pic. This past weekend I painted the last of 15 paintings for the book. I didn't even know I had it in my to paint like I have, nor to keep up this level of productivity for four weeks now. My back is aching and my head is foggy, but the sense of accomplishment is like no other I have ever felt. I saw the initial layouts of the design of the book and as it opened on my computer I was struck by fear. What if I didn't like it? What if it wasn't me? I had always been the designer on a project. It was strange to entrust that to someone else. But the spread opened and I literally teared up. it was if someone had waved a magic wand and said, here is Michelle if she was a book. It was me. It felt like me, it looked like me and it was filled with my art. MY art. What a dream. Not really words. But what an amazing experience this has been. And in a few days everything that should be from me will be done and the rest will be on the designer's hands. week I go to Key West for a week and I have never, ever, ever been looking to getting away more than right now.
On another more serious note, I need to ask you all for help. To spread the word about my friend Maggie. There is not good way to say this or bring this up. I know Maggie is strong enough to get through this, but we all need help once in a while. I have been able to be there for her this past week and have promised to be there for her to help her get back on her feet.
On Sunday July 1, my good friend Maggie's apartment caught fire. She lost just about everything she owned. She had just let her renter's insurance lapse so that she could afford to new medications for her chronic depression. Yes, it is that bad.
Below is a link to a page with a donation button where you can donate money to help her rebuild her life. If you are local or near Atlanta, Georgia, you can contact me to arrange donating furniture, blankets, dishes, etc. She literally only owns what fits in the back of her car. Between the fire melting her living room and dining room and the smoke damage ruining her bedroom and kitchen, she needs it all. If you could donate even just a few dollars, every little bit helps. The donations will come to me for simplicity, and I will make sure Maggie gets every penny. And every penny will help.
Please click on the link below to go to my webpage and use the donation button there. I wish there was more I could do.

On another more serious note, I need to ask you all for help. To spread the word about my friend Maggie. There is not good way to say this or bring this up. I know Maggie is strong enough to get through this, but we all need help once in a while. I have been able to be there for her this past week and have promised to be there for her to help her get back on her feet.
On Sunday July 1, my good friend Maggie's apartment caught fire. She lost just about everything she owned. She had just let her renter's insurance lapse so that she could afford to new medications for her chronic depression. Yes, it is that bad.
Below is a link to a page with a donation button where you can donate money to help her rebuild her life. If you are local or near Atlanta, Georgia, you can contact me to arrange donating furniture, blankets, dishes, etc. She literally only owns what fits in the back of her car. Between the fire melting her living room and dining room and the smoke damage ruining her bedroom and kitchen, she needs it all. If you could donate even just a few dollars, every little bit helps. The donations will come to me for simplicity, and I will make sure Maggie gets every penny. And every penny will help.
Please click on the link below to go to my webpage and use the donation button there. I wish there was more I could do.

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