Tuesday, April 15, 2008
T-Minus 15 days....
As if PARIS isn't enough, in just 15 days my boyfriend is coming to visit me!!!! Woohoo!! And get this, he rented out the entire Phillips Arena in downtown Atlanta and invited thousands of people just to come see him sing to me! That's right folks, my Jon Jon is coming to serenade me. And I have been practicing in the car non-stop to make sure I can sing right along with him as he croons his sweet songs into my ears. That crazy guy, he wants to keep us on the down low so he formulated this crazy scheme of having a wife and kids to keep everyone from knowing. And just to keep up the charade, I got myself a Best Boyfriend Ever, some kids, a pack of dogs and a fish. Ya know, just so it LOOKS like we have these other lives. But really? He loves ME. Just listen to his lyrics some time, "I want to lay you down in a bed of roses," "I've got nothing to prove for it's you I'd die to defend" "Is there anybody out there looking for a party!?" Clearly, he is writing just to me. The whole touring thing? Yup, all those other dates are just to get to me. This is what is REALLY going on in his head when he is on stage... Yuh, huh!

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