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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Saturday morning 
Sitting with the dogs waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. No one is up yet. I should totally go wake everyone up because we are going to Boyfriend's house to go clean and get it ready for sale. Finally, finally putting it on the market. Lots of things went on to make this finally THE time to do it. He has not lived there in over a year so there are lots and lots of cobwebs and dust waiting for us. The kids will be THRILLED. But they agreed to help in order to have a sleepover tonite. heh. Slave labor with bribery.

We (read: HE) hired a handyman to fix all the little things that need to be done to the house as well as - and this is the BEST part - paint the whole interior. Woohoo!!! I was ALL about helping, painting it with him to keep costs down, but dude, I am THRILLED that the next two weeks of my life will not involve painting walls eggshell white every night. Yay!

This is, perhaps, one of my most boring entries ever. I am going to start trying to write more often. I had a few 'issues' the past few weeks that just made me in general not feel like writing anything. Things are better now, LOTS better, so hopefully I will be back at it. I actually have a few very good entries to write. One involves an amazing gift in the mail for lil' ol' me and the other involves an email about Best Boyfriend Ever and where I will reveal his name. Maybe. Maybe not. But I need to come up with something because Best Boyfriend Ever is too damn long to keep typing out.

Ok, people, my coffee just beeped, the dogs are looking desperate and crossing their legs near the back door and if I go now I can enjoy a cup of coffee on the back deck surrounded by silence.

talk soon...

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