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Monday, September 29, 2008

Why children playing quietly is NOT a good thing... 
It is my ex's week with the kids. I don't get them back until today.

Phone call from last night:

...Phone rings...

Me: Hello?

My Ex Husband: Hey, we have kinda of a situation here.

Me: Huh? What? What's wrong? Are the kids ok? (panicked voice)

Ex: No, no, it's ok. Just stay calm."

Me: WHAT???

Ex: It seems...


Ex: Well, baby girl.... (he calls The Soph Baby Girl)

Me: !!!!!!!!!???????

Ex: Baby girl shaved her eyebrows off.

Me: *blink, blink*

Ex: Yeah.... one clean off and half of the other.

Me: WHAT!!!! WHY???? Why would she DO that?!?!

Ex: Yeah, can you come in to the school tomorrow morning and help her? Bring an eyebrow pencil or something?

Me: Um, yeah. Does she want to talk? Can I talk to her?? (trying not to laugh)

Ex: No, she is pretty upset, hey, stop laughing, you'll make me laugh, she says she is too embarrassed to talk right now.

Me: Um, ok, I'll be there by 7:15 am.

Ex: Ok, bye.

Me: ........ *blink, blink*


This morning I get to his classroom (he works at The Soph's school) and she greets me with a hand over her forehead. I ask to see. She smiles and moves her hand away. I literally GASP loudly. "WHY, baby? WHY????"

She replies... "I dunno, I was bored. I didn't think the razor would do anything."

Then I suggest we could cut bangs to help hide it so I brought scissors and stuff with me. (All her hair is one length in a chin length bob) I suggest bangs to which she looks at me in horror and says: "Bangs?! But MOM!! Bangs would make me look WEIRD!!!"


So she now has a Brook Shields make up eyebrow going on. She looks ODD. Most likely she will just tell her friends about it and be over it. She seemed pretty over it this morning and kinda had an "Oh, well, I shaved off my eyebrows, whatareyagonnadoaboutit?" attitude about it all. Sigh...that's The Soph.

So yeah. The Soph. My crazy daughter. I was gonna take a pic this morning and email it to everyone and post it online, but ya know, that didn't seem to be the most supportive parental move.

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