Saturday, September 20, 2008
Yummy Saturdays
Ya know how some Saturdays are so perfect they are almost decadent? Edible almost? Yeah so far today is like that. The morning started out with me getting up early with a pot of coffee and a great book I got for $5.99 at Borders yesterday with my girls' afternoon out with The Soph. We got pedicures and shopped at the mall after school yesterday. I found The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd on sale and could not resist. I have been wanting a great book to read lately and BAM!, there it was. I began reading last night and went to bed eager to wake up and begin again. I love books like that. I am not a fast reader and I need a book that REALLY draws me into it to keep me at it. This book is that kind of book. Oh, her words, the writing leaves me envious, wishing I could write like that, and me making promises with God that maybe if we do get do overs in life I could come back as someone who could write lines like, "So few people know what they are capable of. At fourty-two I'd never done anything that took my own breath away, and I suppose now that was part of the problem - my chronic inability to astonish myself." or "Arching my neck, I looked up at the sky, at the milky smear of stars, feeling a momentary sensation of floating, of becoming unmoored from my life."
Sigh....her writing takes my breath away. And I am jealous of her words. For now though, I paint and I am glad for it, grateful and thank God often for the gift I do have.
So we ran out again to the bookstore today because a book Noah was wanting, the third book in the Eragon series came out today - reading a book he is interested in is the only thing that will drag that child away from video games. So it was money well spent, especially since he tends to reread book oh, about fifty hundred times.
I had to stop by the art store on the way home from the bookstore for paint I need for a commission I am doing this weekend as well. So I got Sophie some Sculpy to make art from and we got home to a Saturday filled with the luxury of doing things we all love. Well, except BBE who is taking a course in some kind of math that I no longer understand - most likely never did even back in my physics days. It involves complicated matrix looking equations and I don't envy him. Poor thing.
But so far this is the perfect Saturday in pictures:

The Dude reading.

The Soph making Sculpy creations.

Me engrossed. And Jealous.

Poor BBE...MATH! On a SATURDAY! The horror, the horror... (hee! Laughing at my clever literary reference...hee! Get it?!)

My evening activity - about to begin.
Sigh....her writing takes my breath away. And I am jealous of her words. For now though, I paint and I am glad for it, grateful and thank God often for the gift I do have.
So we ran out again to the bookstore today because a book Noah was wanting, the third book in the Eragon series came out today - reading a book he is interested in is the only thing that will drag that child away from video games. So it was money well spent, especially since he tends to reread book oh, about fifty hundred times.
I had to stop by the art store on the way home from the bookstore for paint I need for a commission I am doing this weekend as well. So I got Sophie some Sculpy to make art from and we got home to a Saturday filled with the luxury of doing things we all love. Well, except BBE who is taking a course in some kind of math that I no longer understand - most likely never did even back in my physics days. It involves complicated matrix looking equations and I don't envy him. Poor thing.
But so far this is the perfect Saturday in pictures:

The Dude reading.

The Soph making Sculpy creations.

Me engrossed. And Jealous.

Poor BBE...MATH! On a SATURDAY! The horror, the horror... (hee! Laughing at my clever literary reference...hee! Get it?!)

My evening activity - about to begin.
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