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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lovely Grey Saturdays 
I just got back from my first outdoor run in I don't even know how long. I usually hop on the treadmill right after I get the kids settled with a snack and their homework then an "I expect you to be al least half done by the time I come out, do all the easy stuff first, then I will help with any hard stuff. Ok, be back in 30 minutes, love you!" and off I go. This morning I woke up early and it was all misty grey out and I knew there would be a lovely chill in the air. As I was running I remembered why I love to run outside so much. It's grounding and connecting and I notice the chipmunks and squirrels, hear the barking dogs, I see what families have already carved their jack o' lanterns and which families go all out with spider webs and goulies and RIP gravestones. I ran down a new boardwalk path our county is putting in nearby and for a moment as I listened to my footsteps on the board I imagined it was a boardwalk at the beach and I was running near my future home near the ocean. I ran a mile longer than I had planned all because there were so many wonderful distractions. Even the huge uphill at the end didn't seem quite as awful as I remembered. I don't have the luxury of running outside all the time, but maybe I can try to get these Saturday runs outside to be a routine. It seems to feed my soul.

I read something yesterday that I keep thinking about and wanted to share - maybe it will help you as well. "What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for. You become what you believe." I believe that one day my art will help children. I have always felt it, have always felt like there is a calling that I am on my way towards. I feel it most deeply when I visit children in hospitals, I feel like, "This is somehow how I will make a difference, this feel like my heart is home." I don't for the life of me know how exactly, but I believe it and know it. I am just trying my best to follow my passion and I believe it will lead me down that path when I am ready. That's what I believe with no reason at all, I just do.

Ok, Best Boyfriend Ever got up and made me a pot of coffee while I was gone and then went back to bed. (yes, I am that lucky) I have the house to myself, three dogs to sit at my feet and a fresh cup of coffee to be had while I read my newest book. (The Secret Life of Bees - it is amazing and I plan on finishing it today and bringing me and The Soph to see it tomorrow.) Later today we are going to visit my sister's family - can't wait, gonna be fun!

To the beginning of a lovely grey Saturday...

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