Friday, November 21, 2008
Mr. H. Coffee
Age 4, November 21, of Decatur, Georgia. Beloved friend and constant companion of Michelle Abeyta. Dear loved one of Best Boyfriend Ever each Sunday morning with a hearty breakfast of toast and eggs. Morning protector of Noah, Sophia, Rufus, Lucy and Skyler by providing much warmth, comfort and sanity to Michelle on early mornings. Was a good listener, could change a cranky day with just one button, with just one wafting scent. You will be missed and not forgotten dear friend. You will however, be replaced. TODAY. Please send condolences in the form of French Roast, Breakfast Blend and Jamaica Blue Mountain to Michelle Abeyta. Visitation available in the backyard up until this Tuesday morning, viewing will then briefly move to the curbside next to the mailbox. This will conclude all further viewings. Remains to be scattered at city dump per Mr. Coffee's final wishes.

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