Friday, January 09, 2004
the road not taken
Sometimes you really don't realize how you feel about something until you actually have to deal with it. Sure, it's easy to say that you can take what life gives you, make lemonade out of lemons, etc, etc, etc. If I am meant to go down this other path so be it. I am totally ok with that you tell your self. Then that day comes. Life puts a big old stop sign in your face and says, "Um yeah, this road is closed. Go use that one." And you think, "But I know this road. I know all the short cuts on this road. I know all my favorite coffee places and book stores, and I have lots of people I know on this road. I LOVE this road! That other road is scary. I don't know anyone there, and they do things different there. And when I imagine my dreams I am on MY road. Not THAT road!" And then Life shrugs it's shoulders and says, "Yeah, well that is great and all, but the road is closed. You have no choice. Go use the other road." And I angrily mutter, "Um can I at least have a map??" "Nope," says Life, you found your way on the first road, you'll find your way on this one too."
Ok, so my head is a busy place and I like metaphors (or is it analogies? - I never did get that straight in school!) a lot. Some things are going on. I have no idea where life is taking me and I realize that I have quite a death grip on my dreams and how I want them to go. I have always claimed I will go where ever I am lead, but it is hard to put your money where your mouth is. And not to say that the opportunities presenting themselves are not good. They are great, amazing even. They are just not what I had planned. And that is so much harder to let go of than I had realized. Again, I will let you know more details down the line. But for now I am doing my best to enjoy this adventure. Or at least remember it so that I can enjoy it later when things are a wee more comfortable.
Ok, so my head is a busy place and I like metaphors (or is it analogies? - I never did get that straight in school!) a lot. Some things are going on. I have no idea where life is taking me and I realize that I have quite a death grip on my dreams and how I want them to go. I have always claimed I will go where ever I am lead, but it is hard to put your money where your mouth is. And not to say that the opportunities presenting themselves are not good. They are great, amazing even. They are just not what I had planned. And that is so much harder to let go of than I had realized. Again, I will let you know more details down the line. But for now I am doing my best to enjoy this adventure. Or at least remember it so that I can enjoy it later when things are a wee more comfortable.
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Advenures on rollercoasters...
I read yesterday that "adventure is discomfort in retrospect" in Keri's blog. Well than I am having adventure's all over the place! Some personal, some work related, but if yesteday was lousy, then today was strange. I have always said I am open to trying new things and seeing where life takes me. I may have to do just that. I know this sounds somewhat cryptic, but trust me, the details are overwhelming and not explainable in a blog. A book, maybe, a blog entry, no. I have been on a rollercoaster the past two days and I think I may be on this ride for a bit longer. So I will choose to enjoy the anticipation of the ups and the queasy feeling of the quick downs. And when I get off, catch my breath and steady my head I will tell you all about it. Until then Miss Sonora, a gorgeous greyhound is staring at me on canvas wanting to be finished to go hang in her mom's home.
Oh, but yesterday one great thing did happen. The local pet newspaper that I advertise in (Critter Chatter) asked me to write a testamonial for them since they have brought me in quite a nice bit of business. I was more than happy to agree, especially when they asked me to include a pic! Nothing like some good old-fashioned free advertising! Here is me yesterday and if you look close you can see the basset hound painting I did Monday. I will post that shortly. I painted this awesome dog house that they have complete with lit porch in it. As a matter of fact, my goofy dogs are getting a cutomized 'double-wide' as a trade out for the painting! Woohoo! I will be sure to post pics of that as soon as it is done! I told the guy not to paint it so I can choose all the colors myself.

Oh, but yesterday one great thing did happen. The local pet newspaper that I advertise in (Critter Chatter) asked me to write a testamonial for them since they have brought me in quite a nice bit of business. I was more than happy to agree, especially when they asked me to include a pic! Nothing like some good old-fashioned free advertising! Here is me yesterday and if you look close you can see the basset hound painting I did Monday. I will post that shortly. I painted this awesome dog house that they have complete with lit porch in it. As a matter of fact, my goofy dogs are getting a cutomized 'double-wide' as a trade out for the painting! Woohoo! I will be sure to post pics of that as soon as it is done! I told the guy not to paint it so I can choose all the colors myself.
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
what she said
"I know God won't give me more than I can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much."
~ Mother Theresa
Yeah. That just about sums things up today.
~ Mother Theresa
Yeah. That just about sums things up today.
Monday, January 05, 2004
Rainy days...
I got my dogs all excited to go running this morning only to find out it was raining. Hopefully it is just a rain delay and I can take them out later. So for now it is quite the cuddly tea drinking morning. My kids, for whatever strange reason, are actually playing...together! I have two adorable basset hounds to finish painting and a few emails to return. Vacation is over for me, but I found out last night the kids have one more day. Way to go mom! I thought school started today and had their clothes ready last night and everything until my husband said he thought they did not start back today. Huh? And it is not like I keep any school calendars around so after looking it up on the website I found out that they go back tomorrow. Ah well, one more day of playing for them. But I have to start back to work today. I am actually having list withdrawel. Last night I made my first "to do" list before I went to bed in well over a week. And it felt sooo good!