Saturday, January 03, 2004
home again, home again
Wow, a week is gone. It flew by. I read, slept, napped, bubble-bathed, and just relaxed. Now my babies come home! I spent almost 3 hours cleaning their room. How do kids get things so messy?? I have a huge bag by the curb to prove I did it! They got to go to NYC and D.C. with my parents. Noah was so proud to tell me he saw the Pentagon (which did I know has 5 sides?!?) and Sophie exclaimed she got to see 'George Lincolnton' in the Lincoln Memorial! Love those kids! I am so excited to see them today, we leave in about an hour to get them. The picture above was when we were sprinkling 'reindeer food' on Christmas Eve. I love this picture of Soph. She has all the magic on her face that every child should at Christmas. I was not sure if Noah was still completely convinced of Santa's exiistence until I caught him looking out the window about 30 times on Christmas Eve to see if the magic food was still on the ground or if Rudolph had been by. If a heart could burst from loving too much, I am sure mine would from those two!
Thursday, January 01, 2004
Possibility. I can smell it in the air. A new year, a new year to experience things I never thought possible. I never in a million years thought I could make a living painting full time. That was the stuff of art school dreams. I think maybe because I never intentionally went looking for that it happened. I have no idea how long I will be able to do this for. I have no idea where life is taking me. As controlling as I am, I try hard to still stay open to what opportunities are out there. I think that deciding I will be a this or a that leads to alot of frustration and feelings of failure. I love that I could be doing something I never dreamed of by the end of this year. Possibility. I spent the past two days holed up in my office finishing a project I have been working on since June. I began to get short of breath as I finished it. It was so exciting to be finishing something that has only been in my head for thepast 6 months. Today I will finish the last 3 sketches and polish the text and I will submit my proposal. It is really scary. It is a children's book that have written and illustrated. For about as long as I can remember I have wanted to do this. One of the reasons is so that I can then take my book and go visit children with it in schools. I have a childhood memory of an illustrator coming to my school and thinking, THAT is what I want to do one day. It took many, many years and I think this is one of the scariest things I have done in a long time, but if I don't show it to anyone, no one will be able to say yes or no. So on this first day of 2004 I am sending out a dream. What happens to it does not matter as much as doing it. You can't spend your whole life waiting, planning, wishing, wanting. Doing, action, trying, experiencing, living. That is what 2003 was about and I want 2004 to be about that as well. Here is to a year full of possibility, experience, and trying something you never even imagined you might do before. Because THAT is what life is really about. Learning and possibility. And here is a sneak at one of the illustrations in my book.

Monday, December 29, 2003
I have been sleeping and reading a lot the past few days. And I have to say that I think naps are truly one of the greatest things in the world! I am about to go take a bath and read some more - a wonderful book I found about Picasso and Einstein. Art and science, two of my favorite subjects. I admit I have been fighting the urge to do some work, and tonite I did update my site and commissions page, but for the most part I have rested. My children are in N.C. with my parents until Saturday and the quiet and peace in the house is really, really nice after the past month. I think I will work on my own project tomorrow. Or maybe I will just read and nap some more. I like this vacation thing.