Saturday, March 04, 2006
I have been in the studio painting all day today. Doing my JOB. Can you believe it? I am SUPPOSED to paint now! I did two new paintings today and am finishing a third. I have to say, being here all day certianly keeps me productive. This week I had a toddler class, signed up a 6 year old for children's class, went out to a house from someone who came to my open house for a mural consulation, finished a poster design, did a commission (my first one here and they came to ME to pick it up!!), and had a woman contact me about a custom order of paintings for a grooming shop she is opening in South Carolina! Not bad for my first week. I have a few other things in the works that I hope to be announcing soon as well. (and just to keep it real, I have also had at least a dozen panic attacks most of which involved tears - yes, I am still scared to death about what I have taken on!)
The lovely thing about being here is that now all the ideas I have I can just do. There have been so many half begun ideas or series of paintings in the past few years. Now I can do them. I might start an ebay store or sell from my website. Since I don't have to share half with a gallery owner anymore I can price my art a bit more affordably. So we'll see. I still am taking every freelance desing job that comes along, but one day I will be able to just paint. I was so worried about moving my computer here. But a magic thing happened this week when I did. I actually got all my work done by 6pm! And when I went home I was able to relax. I can't compulsively check my email or get back online to work a bit more. There is actually a lot of freedom not having my design computer at home. I do have one for emailing at home, but I didn't even bother the past few nights. It was nice to catch up on my housework (oh my, does working like crazy for 6 weeks take a toll on the house!!) I did laundry last night, cleaned every nook and cranny and now tonite I know I will go home to a nice clean house. I feel peaceful right now. And now when I am home with my kids they get all of me. Not, "in a minute." mommy or "just let me finish this email." mommy, or "mommy has to work tonite." And that is the BEST part of all.
Here is some new art I did today. (and a gold star to anyone who knows the song that goes with the horse painting!)

The lovely thing about being here is that now all the ideas I have I can just do. There have been so many half begun ideas or series of paintings in the past few years. Now I can do them. I might start an ebay store or sell from my website. Since I don't have to share half with a gallery owner anymore I can price my art a bit more affordably. So we'll see. I still am taking every freelance desing job that comes along, but one day I will be able to just paint. I was so worried about moving my computer here. But a magic thing happened this week when I did. I actually got all my work done by 6pm! And when I went home I was able to relax. I can't compulsively check my email or get back online to work a bit more. There is actually a lot of freedom not having my design computer at home. I do have one for emailing at home, but I didn't even bother the past few nights. It was nice to catch up on my housework (oh my, does working like crazy for 6 weeks take a toll on the house!!) I did laundry last night, cleaned every nook and cranny and now tonite I know I will go home to a nice clean house. I feel peaceful right now. And now when I am home with my kids they get all of me. Not, "in a minute." mommy or "just let me finish this email." mommy, or "mommy has to work tonite." And that is the BEST part of all.
Here is some new art I did today. (and a gold star to anyone who knows the song that goes with the horse painting!)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
And how was YOUR day???
Got to go for a three mile run this morning and felt sooo good. Then promptly got a parking ticket this morning that, as you can imagine made me very happy. I parked for, I kid you not, thirty seconds with my hazards on in a handicapped space in front of Starbucks to drop off the caraffe from the coffee they donated for my opening. I actually have to go to court for parking illegally for 30 seconds. Niiiice. Wonder how much the free coffee will cost me? Oh, and so the police woman was of course being such a um, rhymes with witch. Would not listen to me or anything. And I know I was wrong, but seriously, 30 SECONDS. So I get all pissy, right? Meanwhile there is another guy who got a ticket and threw a holy hissy fit and three more officers showed up. My officer keeps being such a lovely woman that I do finally get upset, but I know better than to say anything. So finally she gives me my ticket and I swing open my door, and sit down in a huge huff. Right on top of my yogurt I had brought for breakfast and had fallen out of my purse and onto my seat - sending a peach explosion of yogurt EVERYWHERE. So then, after slamming the door in a huge spectacle in front of all the officers to make a point of my irritation, I have to get out with yogurt all over my um, rumpus maximus to clean it all up. And they got to see all of it. Sigh. Wonderful moment. And how was YOUR day??? (and yes, you may laugh, I can now, it just took a few hours.
Monday, February 27, 2006
An amazing day...
it started out cold and wet and rainy and icky. The day before was 65 degrees and sunshiny. It was the worst possible weather one could have for a children's event. It was miserable out. And it turned out better than I could have ever hoped. Parents brought their kids in all afternoon. From the moment the open house and the arts and crafts began, I had a houseful of children. It was amazing. See for yourself. (The evening party was great, but the children stole my heart and I felt more at home than I ever have before. A quick story that will melt your heart: A two year old little, blond boy named Marshal finished a painting. I asked him if I could hang it up in the hall gallery. He said yes and I asked him to watch me. I helped him pick out just the right little clothespin to hang it with. He then watched as I hung it up. Afterwards, we both took a step back and admired his work. Then he said, "Wow, I did a pretty good piece of art, didn't I?!" And he walked over to his mom beaming. That moment was what this whole thing is about. Enjoy the pics!