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Saturday, April 24, 2004

New on EBAY 
Well my last two items sold! You can imagine there was a fear that NO ONE will bid on my art! But people did and great deals were to be had! I can tell who the two winners were and I am THRILLED with the happy homes that my pups are going to! (No kidding, I feel like I am sending my own dogs to live somewhere else! How weird am I??) I have to admit I had second thoughts about listing Miss Coco for sale, and her new owner did, in fact, get a fabulous deal. But I truly know my lovely Coco is going to a home that will love her as much as I do. And I daresay weiner dog was purchased for a gift from the buyer. I follow her weblog regularly and I know she has a weiner dog lover in her life!

So here is my newest auction. Look for another later today as well! Happy bidding!

Friday, April 23, 2004

New Stuff... 

Happy Friday! Here is some new art I have done to send to the shows in NYC with my agent. I wish I could just paint scenes like this everyday all day long....It would be so lovely....Ah, snap back to reality! Time to go format a 100 page book as it will pay my car payment that is due today!

And don't forget! My ebay auctions end today! Prices are truly a bargain! Good homes needed for two cute pooches!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

lovely air... 
I love this time of year. That small window of time right before the mesquitos come. When I describe the air as having no temperature. It is not hot, not cold. Perfect. Perfect for having my coffee on the porch in the morning with the dogs chasing squirrels, laying out on a blanket with my dogs next to me in the afternoon (did that yesterday) or sitting on the porch in the evening after the kids go to bed with a nice merlot and the dogs lazing at my feet. (Note the common thread in all those! lol!)

I have had such an amazing past 5 days. On Thursday I painted at Cafe Tu Tu Tango I painted on the patio from 7pm - 11pm. I talked to so many wonderful people about my art. It was so much fun and I sold two paintings right off the sidewalk. Bonus! The restaurant will carry my paintings and they only take a very small commission if something sells when I am not there and I get it all when I am there. And I get paid in restaurant money that I can use for dates witht he hubby! Plus the other artists there were so super friendly and sweet, not to mention the terrific staff!

Then Saturday I had a festival and that was fabulous. I sold three more paintings plus a sculpture and got some commissions. Plus I met this terrific 10 year old boy that was visiting from Ireland. He asked me all about my work and bought one of my small paintings. I could have listened to that Irish accent for hours! I promised I would paint his dog for free if he sent me a picture from Dublin because then I could say I had my first overseas commission!

Then Monday I went to Egleston's Children's Hospital and talked about my art and set up an activity for the kids. I showed them lots of my paintings and was secretly (ok, not so secretly) thrilled when they went the most crazy over my book illustrations! I made coloring book type outlines of some dogs and cats and they got to color a picture any way they liked. They had fantastic imaginations and were truly an amazing bunch of kids. I knew some of them were not feeling well at all, but you would not have known it. It was such a wonderful experience and I was thrilled when they asked me to come back at the end. I loved meeting all those kids and I thanked God on the way home that I have such healthy children, and thanked him that there are amazing facilities filled with loving, caring people to take care of my kids if they ever did get sick.

Then last night Tu Tu Tango asked me to cpome back again! I sold another painting and met even more great people! I am tired from all the go-go going, but still on a high from it all! The rest of the week is me getting all my new art together for my agent in New York so that she has all my current stuff for the two big shows in NYC in May and June. She was really excited by my new art and I am hoping that these new shows bring in some licensing deals.

I am so very grateful for my good fortune these past few days and I have to say once again, I would do this for free if I could. The money I do make is such a bonus. Life can be so beatiful when you let it.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Ok, I am finally going to try this out. Lots of other artists have told me it is a great tool and great advertising. I am going to be auctioning off certain paintings and sculptures in the next few days. Today I am starting with a 16x20 painting of an Australian Shepard. (Some of you might remember her as Coco, a sweet dog we had for about a week, but didn't like Lucy at all so we could not keep her.) You can also see the new style of art I am making that has sold really well this past weekend. It is acrylic on wood with a high gloss finish. I am starting all auctions out at just 99 cents! Imagine the deals! Click on the pic of Coco or weiner dog to get to my first ever auctions.

I had a fantastic weekend at my festival and also painted at a restaurant that features artists painting and creating all night long while people dine. It was amazing and I sold two paintings right off the sidewalk! I got to paint outside and met and talked to lots of fun and friendly people. I will give you more details when I have the new dates I will be there! hopefully some local people can come out and meet me! Ok, go and check out my ebay auctions!

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