Saturday, May 13, 2006
Coffee time
I had to wake up at 5:45am this morning. For the first time in a long time I am not rushing in a frenzy. I am actually sitting with some coffee with a van fully loaded ready to go in about 25 minutes to a festival. Last night the show went really great. I had a lot of traffic and mostly from people that picked up my postcard. Mostly strangers. So good. I had wonderful comments. "Everything in here makes me smile!" "This art is fantastic!" "I just can't help but be happy in this house!" Every comment filled me with joy. Every smile from every adult and child makes every bit I do worth it. Right now I am far from rolling in money. I am not counting the bills and laughing on my way to the bank. Honestly? I just paid all my househole bills and my gallery bills and I think I might have some money left over. Might. Like $20? Ok, I am exaggerating. I forgot the $5 in my back pocket. But I have jobs coming in, freelance checks are due. It will work out. I will get commissions today at the festival and I will get some from last night. I am writing this to let the people that want to quit their jobs know that the reality of living your dream is different than you might think. You will work harder than you ever have. You will spend days in a row staying up until 1am or later, spend money for your supplies that you don't have, fanagle your bills so that you have money until the last possible moment. No matter what, you WILL stress out. You will wonder at times why in the world you prefer to live like this than to get a "real" job you can walk away from every day at 5pm and have a check to pick up every two weeks. And don't even get me started on my envy of healthcare plans. So why will you still do it? The answer is easy. You simply cannot do it. You will get to that moment when you won't care anymore. You will have to be who you are, create what you were meant to create. You will make it work because you will realize that it is far more stressful and paintful to not do what you know you are meant to do than the stresses that come along with it. And then after all your hard work, someone buys a painting, orders a commission, or simply walks into your dream and beams with a smile so bright that you know you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. And that, that makes everything worth it. I am living my life and doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing right now at this moment. And it doesn't matter if I am doing it exaclty right, or if I am making mistakes or most of the time I haven't a clue as to if it will work out in the end. I make people happy with my art. I can't tell you how filled with joy that makes me.
Wish me lucky today. The reality is I need to go grocery shopping soon, so some sales won't bother me at all! ;)
Wish me lucky today. The reality is I need to go grocery shopping soon, so some sales won't bother me at all! ;)
Friday, May 12, 2006
The Big Dog Show TONITE at 7pm
Yeah, so don't forget, it's TONITE. And me in my infinite busy-ness is realizing that maybe I did not get the word out enough? Let me tell you people I do this every time. Everytime I have a show or event I FREAK at the last minute. I am sure no one will come, but then people do. Lots of people do. But this time, maybe not so much. So many of my friends can't come. Oh no! What if no one comes? I will be sitting in my little ol' gallery, just me and a bunch of wine, cheese and grapes surrounded by lots of giant dog paintings. But I suppose that is less sad than me all alone surrounded by lots of cat paintings. Ha! Such a funny weird, dog lady I am....
Seriously people, come. Or I will cry. And tonite when you go to sleep how guilty will you feel? SO. GUILTY. And then come tomorrow to Taste of Intown Festival at Ponce and N. Highland. Cause I will be sitting all alone in my booth surrounded by big dog paintings...which I guess is less sad than surrounded by big cat.... Oh you get it. COME SEE ME! (yes, I don't mind begging at all.)

Seriously people, come. Or I will cry. And tonite when you go to sleep how guilty will you feel? SO. GUILTY. And then come tomorrow to Taste of Intown Festival at Ponce and N. Highland. Cause I will be sitting all alone in my booth surrounded by big dog paintings...which I guess is less sad than surrounded by big cat.... Oh you get it. COME SEE ME! (yes, I don't mind begging at all.)
Sunday, May 07, 2006
New Adventures
I have so much going on and so much to keep track of. I am hoping to be able to simplify in the future, but right now I have to juggle a lot of balls. I like it to an extent, but let's face it, it is not always fun to feel like there is so much to do. Something has happened recently that I have wanted to to write about, but I couldn't yet. I have been focusing on it and doing so much extra work since I opened the gallery for it. The timing was perfect and horrible all at the same time. When I was about to open the gallery I had decided I would start to look into art licensing. This has always been my long term goal for financial security. You can make a good living if you have a body of work that is suitable for this field. I had sought out experts in the field and had received very positive feedback regarding my pet art. I told myself that once I was settled in the gallery I would begin looking for an agent or try to license myself. The Sunday after I had my grand opening I decided to take the day off. I went to Starbucks and ordered a big ol' vanilla latte and sat and people watched and relaxed. then I began sketching ideas for new paintings because relaxing is just not really in my blood. I was there for hours and so happy. i was so peaceful. Life was so good. I was going home and I decided to stop by the gallery to check some emails. Day off - whatever. I had received a very interesting email from a woman in New York City. She had, somehow, through a colleague seen my url announcing my gallery opening. She asked me if i was interested in art licensing and thought my work would be perfect for it. She told me to check out her company and if i was interested, to please contact her first thing Monday morning. I checked out the company site, i checked out her name. Thank you google! I learned a lot about her company and who they represent. Then I called Monday. She was interested in my art, my ideas, my future ideas, my children's book, everything. We were both really excited. She told me that she was one of the main people that got the Teletubbies into the U.S., and she worked with some really great artists whom I recognize and love their work. She explained that licensing takes time, but that she really believed my work is very unique and has a place in the industry. She needed me to get copy shots of all my art, she needed me to make comps of products to show certain companies. After deciding to make this company my exclusive agent I had a ton of work to do for them. Right after I had just opened a gallery and was going through the end stages of a divorce. The past 2 months have been almost insane. I have had a ton of work to do that right now pays nothing, been getting ready for licenisng shows and running the gallery and keeping up with design work that pays the bills. It has been a really exciting time, and to a certain extent I have not rally been able to sit and think about much of any of it. there was no time to think. I will have my art at the Stationary Show in NYC in two weeks. My agency is having me come out to The Licensing Show in June!!! Which is huge! They want me there painting in their booth. I cannot wait! All the art I am doing for my show is also for my agent. Licensing is an interesting thing. it takes time. Or it doesn't. The industry gets you, or they don't. You just don't know; Right now there is a major brand looking at two of my images to possibly purchase for beach towel designs. I am crossing my fingers. I am hoping this is my break that might make life a little bit easier so i can slow down a bit. Maybe not have to do as much design work. We'll see. I am hoping people get me and my art. I want to have someone want to publish my children's books, listen to my ideas, use my art on products so maybe people can smile when they see my silly dogs. My dogs make me so happy and I just want to keep painting them for as long as i can. I hope they make other people smile too. they are just plain old silly and I love them. I am now represented exclusively by Big Tent Entertainment and they seem to get me and my art. I hope it is a long and successful partnership and that they are rewarded for taking a chance on me. I know I bleieve in me and I am ready to show that to the world. Thank you Big Tent for seeing me and believing in what I have to offer.