Friday, March 21, 2008
It's FRIDAY!!!!!! Get me the HELL out of here!
Hi everyone. it is is Friday. And is BEAUTIFUL today. And I have cabin fever. Spring fever. Get out of this cubicle and run away from responsibilities fever. And I see a nice blue sky and a pretty blooming pink tree out my window and all I want to do is GO PLAY! But alas, I have edits to a magazine, an ad to layout and something else to do I am sure. But maybe I can leave early. Maybe. Doesn't a day like this deserved to be played in? I think yes. Don't we owe it to God to go out and ENJOY this day he created JUST FOR US? I think YES! Can I get an AMEN? So whose with me? If we ALL leave early then what can our bosses say?? Let's GO! Hey, why are you all still sitting there? What's that about the electric bill? Gas bill? Groceries? Mom? Is that you reading my blog again?! Party poopers. Bah. You just reminded me I have to go pay my car insurance. But I am leaving early! And you can sit there till 5pm if YOU want, but I will just have to be thinking about you while I go have a margarita on some patio somewhere.
In the meantime here are some pics of my work environment. And yes, I am that messy. And thank goodness I am good at what I do so no one cares that it is this messy. And thank goodness Best Boyfriend Ever thinks I am cute cause I am that messy at home too. Oh! then there is me with my NEW SHORTER HAIR! Yay! (how much of a dork am I for posting this? Don't answer that.)

Is it time to go yet?
How 'bout now?
In the meantime here are some pics of my work environment. And yes, I am that messy. And thank goodness I am good at what I do so no one cares that it is this messy. And thank goodness Best Boyfriend Ever thinks I am cute cause I am that messy at home too. Oh! then there is me with my NEW SHORTER HAIR! Yay! (how much of a dork am I for posting this? Don't answer that.)
Is it time to go yet?
How 'bout now?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
In the mind of an artist.
Being an artist is not nearly as fun and romantic as everyone thinks it is. Well, not being an artist that wants to earn a living from their art one day, anyway. You should try living in our brains for a while. Then you will be oh so happy and grateful that you took your dad's advice and went to law school, or got that accounting degree. I promise.
I am learning a lesson in patience right now. I have so many things going on out there in the universe and all I can do is hurry up and wait. I had such a flurry of excitement happening in January and so many good things said, so many promising business meetings, so many people interested in my art and ideas. But the creative world seems to move in fits and spurts then goes back to sleep for a while. Or so it seems. I know things are happening, moving forward but the silence is a killer. You wait and you wait. You wait until you cannot stand it ONE SECOND LONGER. So you send out that email. Just a light and breezy, "Hey, just touching base, how are things?" hoping that you don't sound nearly as desperate for some kind of news as to what is going on as you actually are. Hoping you didn't just mess EVERYTHING up by having the nerve to wonder how things are going and actually checking in.
This is how our heads work. An artist is a strange creature. One moment we are on top of the world, sure of our talents, knowing without a doubt what we were put on this earth to do and dammit, we are GOING to let our light SHINE come hell or high water! Then a mere five seconds later we wonder WHO in the hell we are and WHAT in the hell we were thinking and OH MY GOD I have blown my one big break by daring to question the timing of things and there are only ten gazillion other more talented people than me and the fact that they are even interested in me is surely some kind of mistake that they will find out soon and now I better get back to that magazine layout and THANK YOU GOD that I was smart enough take that day job and am I putting enough into my 401K because I already have to tell my kids that they better look into scholarships for college but at least I can try to manage to have enough money that they don't have to take care of me one day, and what the hell was I thinking spending so many years on this crazy art thing when I should have been all Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey-ing the past ten years and I am so far behind everyone else on the whole financial security issue. What and idiot I am, of course nothing is going to happen, I am a dreamer just like they told me and it is time TO GET SERIOUS! (See how much fun being an artist is? Crunching those numbers seems pretty nice right now, doesn't it?)
But then you see an email come into your inbox. And it says, "Things moving forward, just taking time is all. All still promising. Will be getting with you within the month. Showed your art to a colleague - they LOVE it too! Stay tuned! Glad you emailed!"
And then you breath again and a million more ideas for your art pop into your head and you wonder how you could ever doubt yourself so much, cause you? You are an art ROCK STAR!! And then think you should really check into those bipolar meds your mother keeps mentioning.
I am learning a lesson in patience right now. I have so many things going on out there in the universe and all I can do is hurry up and wait. I had such a flurry of excitement happening in January and so many good things said, so many promising business meetings, so many people interested in my art and ideas. But the creative world seems to move in fits and spurts then goes back to sleep for a while. Or so it seems. I know things are happening, moving forward but the silence is a killer. You wait and you wait. You wait until you cannot stand it ONE SECOND LONGER. So you send out that email. Just a light and breezy, "Hey, just touching base, how are things?" hoping that you don't sound nearly as desperate for some kind of news as to what is going on as you actually are. Hoping you didn't just mess EVERYTHING up by having the nerve to wonder how things are going and actually checking in.
This is how our heads work. An artist is a strange creature. One moment we are on top of the world, sure of our talents, knowing without a doubt what we were put on this earth to do and dammit, we are GOING to let our light SHINE come hell or high water! Then a mere five seconds later we wonder WHO in the hell we are and WHAT in the hell we were thinking and OH MY GOD I have blown my one big break by daring to question the timing of things and there are only ten gazillion other more talented people than me and the fact that they are even interested in me is surely some kind of mistake that they will find out soon and now I better get back to that magazine layout and THANK YOU GOD that I was smart enough take that day job and am I putting enough into my 401K because I already have to tell my kids that they better look into scholarships for college but at least I can try to manage to have enough money that they don't have to take care of me one day, and what the hell was I thinking spending so many years on this crazy art thing when I should have been all Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey-ing the past ten years and I am so far behind everyone else on the whole financial security issue. What and idiot I am, of course nothing is going to happen, I am a dreamer just like they told me and it is time TO GET SERIOUS! (See how much fun being an artist is? Crunching those numbers seems pretty nice right now, doesn't it?)
But then you see an email come into your inbox. And it says, "Things moving forward, just taking time is all. All still promising. Will be getting with you within the month. Showed your art to a colleague - they LOVE it too! Stay tuned! Glad you emailed!"
And then you breath again and a million more ideas for your art pop into your head and you wonder how you could ever doubt yourself so much, cause you? You are an art ROCK STAR!! And then think you should really check into those bipolar meds your mother keeps mentioning.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ima gonna get crap for this...
I am wondering why it annoys me SO. VERY. MUCH. when your average 'grew up in the ol' U S of A person' says things like "whilst" or spells words hullo, colour, behaviour.... Why, oh WHY does this want to make me pull my hair out?!? Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that the problem is MINE, so don't anybody get all up in arms over it and get all mad at me, but really. C'mon... You didn't grow up on some sweeping English country side writing deep meaningful poetry while you waited for your 'beloved' to come home to you from the war. WHY DO YOU TALK LIKE THAT!? Probably just to drive me crazy. Cause it really is all about me. When will people GET that?! heh.