Friday, April 25, 2008
Happy Friday y'all!
Last night I got to go to my first meeting with a critique group for SCBWI. I just joined in April. The irony that I had to GET a full time job in order to finally pursue my dreams is not lost on me. It is pretty funny actually. But when you freelance, you take any job that pays that comes along. And that unfortunately means that the things you WANT to do, not NEED to do get put on the back burner. Now that I don't stress all day long about money and actually have some in the bank and know that more is on the way, I can work on my own art. And as crazy as it is, I have been doing just that. I have two agents interested in one of my children's picture books. Sure, they might see it and reject it, but still they asked to see it. By the way, I have to say, the sting of rejection gets less and less. And actually I got such a nice rejection a little while back that I think they get NICER too. The critique group seemed to like my work a lot and that was very encouraging. I am still waiting on one agent and mailing out a packet today to another. Today I am meeting with a lawyer about a contract for something that I can't mention yet, but if we can manage to work out all the legalities will keep me VERY busy for a while. But it will be so much fun so I cannot wait to get at it.
For the first time in such a long time I feel like I am actually living my life instead of playing the "if only" game. You know, the one that goes, "If only I could have some free time to do my own art I'd be happy." "If only I could find an agent, I'd be happy." "If only I could be published, I'd be happy."*** And so on and so on. I am enjoying the process. I am happy right NOW. Rejections or not. I am even enjoying the time lag that it takes in this business. Nothing, NOTHING happens fast in publishing or manufacturing. Honestly, I admit it is easier because I don't have to worry about money anymore. I am the first to admit that I am shocked at how happy having this job makes me. I know I've said this before, but if you had told me that I would happy, happy, HAPPY to go to work at an office everyday for 8 hours, I would have thought you had drank the Kool Aid. I had this idea in my head that a full time job meant failure. It meant I had given up, that I had not 'made it" and that my dreams were over. Funny how the exact opposite has happened. I love that my nights and weekends are mine to focus on my work or to do nothing at all. My dreams are more alive and more in progress than ever before. And that is pretty sweet.
Again, I have said this all before I am sure, so I will stop now, but I am still in awe of how when we let go of trying to control HOW it happens, and let it just be, things work out somehow. Trusting and believing is a powerful thing, even if it is so very hard to do. Ok, enough! Besides, I need to show you my Friday picture! With flip flops!! I am looking forward to an evening of sitting out on the deck with the dogs enjoying the amazing Georgia weather with Best Boyfriend Ever and maybe a dirty martini to sip on. Too lovely to be inside for sure!

***This awesome wisdom was first said by Nathan.
For the first time in such a long time I feel like I am actually living my life instead of playing the "if only" game. You know, the one that goes, "If only I could have some free time to do my own art I'd be happy." "If only I could find an agent, I'd be happy." "If only I could be published, I'd be happy."*** And so on and so on. I am enjoying the process. I am happy right NOW. Rejections or not. I am even enjoying the time lag that it takes in this business. Nothing, NOTHING happens fast in publishing or manufacturing. Honestly, I admit it is easier because I don't have to worry about money anymore. I am the first to admit that I am shocked at how happy having this job makes me. I know I've said this before, but if you had told me that I would happy, happy, HAPPY to go to work at an office everyday for 8 hours, I would have thought you had drank the Kool Aid. I had this idea in my head that a full time job meant failure. It meant I had given up, that I had not 'made it" and that my dreams were over. Funny how the exact opposite has happened. I love that my nights and weekends are mine to focus on my work or to do nothing at all. My dreams are more alive and more in progress than ever before. And that is pretty sweet.
Again, I have said this all before I am sure, so I will stop now, but I am still in awe of how when we let go of trying to control HOW it happens, and let it just be, things work out somehow. Trusting and believing is a powerful thing, even if it is so very hard to do. Ok, enough! Besides, I need to show you my Friday picture! With flip flops!! I am looking forward to an evening of sitting out on the deck with the dogs enjoying the amazing Georgia weather with Best Boyfriend Ever and maybe a dirty martini to sip on. Too lovely to be inside for sure!
***This awesome wisdom was first said by Nathan.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
So much good stuff
I am working on formatting an incredibly fascinating commencement program. What says FUN more than tabbing 800-plus names in a program? Not much, says I! (Perhaps maragritas on a patio with some nice toasty chips and a zesty salsa and side of queso, but tabbing names is a VERY close second people. You need to trust me on this.) The life of a graphic designer is glamorous and exotic - and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are LIAR-HEADS.
Last night was so much fun. The Braves KILLED the Nationals, so it was not exactly a nail-biter, but there was some coolio plays and at least the game was a blowout in our favor. And besides, with seats like ours, there was no way it could be bad. Cause we were SO CLOSE to cute baseball player butts! For the record, baseball players are THE sexiest athletes. So. Yummy! (They are by no menas in the same league as my boyfriend, Jon Bon Jovi, but still, they get major YUM points!) So, how close were these cute boys' butts? THIS CLOSE:

Now, I had no time yesterday as I ended up having a 3 HOUR MEETING in which I think I died and came back to life just in time to realize I have a whole lot of work ahead of me and NO TIME for blogging. (Again, a designer's life is something to be jealous of, for sure.) So I need to show you scenes from the weekend. See, Best Boyfriend Ever and I have this awesome deck and backyard. And now that it is warm, we spend every second possible on the back deck and life is AWESOME. So Friday night we had a houseful of kids, my best friend, a pack of dogs, and we chilled on the deck with some wine for me and my friend and beer and cigars for the man. We started out in the daylight and hung until it got dark and the pizza man had come and gone. The kids were in and out all night long and so were the dogs. If life can get any better than mine, I would just feel like I was way too spoiled. (Oh, and it should be noted that while I crush on sexy ballplayers and Jon BonJovi, Best Boyfriend Ever is the keeper. He is for sure the real deal and I don't plan on letting him go. EVER. He is perfect and MINE. And his YUM factor is through the roof. Not to mention he lets me crush on sexy ballplayers and secretly date major rock stars. Cause he's cool like that.)
So anyway here are some scenes from the Friday:
GLADIATOR STICK BATTLE!! I found this giant stick and got the dogs to battle it out in an epic gladiator battle! The stick was huge, the dogs battled mightily. But alas, in the end, there could only be one true victor of the BIG STICK.

Luckily, no grudges were held by the other contestants.

Much fun was had by dogs, kids, and adults alike. Even despite the now infamous phone in the Sprite scenario, which had wide-reaching ramifications in other parts of my life that I won't get into. So, did the giggling child get into much trouble? Did he get grounded? Does he have to pay for the phone? Well, said child actually felt terrible, awful, horrible about it. And he offered to pay for the new phone himself. How cute! I suppose with monopoly money or Wii points? But still - he OFFERED. That, plus when you see scenes this cute, how can you not tell terrible feeling kid that it's ok? Does it get any cuter?!?!

Ok, you can all say it with me now, "AWWWWWW..." and see? Sucker Mom.....
Last night was so much fun. The Braves KILLED the Nationals, so it was not exactly a nail-biter, but there was some coolio plays and at least the game was a blowout in our favor. And besides, with seats like ours, there was no way it could be bad. Cause we were SO CLOSE to cute baseball player butts! For the record, baseball players are THE sexiest athletes. So. Yummy! (They are by no menas in the same league as my boyfriend, Jon Bon Jovi, but still, they get major YUM points!) So, how close were these cute boys' butts? THIS CLOSE:
Now, I had no time yesterday as I ended up having a 3 HOUR MEETING in which I think I died and came back to life just in time to realize I have a whole lot of work ahead of me and NO TIME for blogging. (Again, a designer's life is something to be jealous of, for sure.) So I need to show you scenes from the weekend. See, Best Boyfriend Ever and I have this awesome deck and backyard. And now that it is warm, we spend every second possible on the back deck and life is AWESOME. So Friday night we had a houseful of kids, my best friend, a pack of dogs, and we chilled on the deck with some wine for me and my friend and beer and cigars for the man. We started out in the daylight and hung until it got dark and the pizza man had come and gone. The kids were in and out all night long and so were the dogs. If life can get any better than mine, I would just feel like I was way too spoiled. (Oh, and it should be noted that while I crush on sexy ballplayers and Jon BonJovi, Best Boyfriend Ever is the keeper. He is for sure the real deal and I don't plan on letting him go. EVER. He is perfect and MINE. And his YUM factor is through the roof. Not to mention he lets me crush on sexy ballplayers and secretly date major rock stars. Cause he's cool like that.)
So anyway here are some scenes from the Friday:
GLADIATOR STICK BATTLE!! I found this giant stick and got the dogs to battle it out in an epic gladiator battle! The stick was huge, the dogs battled mightily. But alas, in the end, there could only be one true victor of the BIG STICK.
Luckily, no grudges were held by the other contestants.
Much fun was had by dogs, kids, and adults alike. Even despite the now infamous phone in the Sprite scenario, which had wide-reaching ramifications in other parts of my life that I won't get into. So, did the giggling child get into much trouble? Did he get grounded? Does he have to pay for the phone? Well, said child actually felt terrible, awful, horrible about it. And he offered to pay for the new phone himself. How cute! I suppose with monopoly money or Wii points? But still - he OFFERED. That, plus when you see scenes this cute, how can you not tell terrible feeling kid that it's ok? Does it get any cuter?!?!
Ok, you can all say it with me now, "AWWWWWW..." and see? Sucker Mom.....
Monday, April 21, 2008
Awesome weekend
Had an awesome child-filled weekend. Lots of sleep over guests, lots of noise, many pizzas, a cake and some cupcakes, and one cell phone that landed in a glass of Sprite much to the delight of the many 9-11 year olds. I think they giggled for a WHILE before they fished it out and I heard, "Quick! Dry it off! Fast! Don't tell mom!"
Um, yeah, Mom has a cool new phone now. One that takes pictures! "Hello 2008, Michelle is here to join you!" That was Friday night.
Then on Saturday, Best Boyfriend Ever and I took Sophie and her sweetie friend to the Egyptian exhibit at Emory to look at the mummies! Sophie is SO into archeaology and getting to see real live mummies, wait, real DEAD mummies was the coolest! They got some books and some scarabs to wear. Too fun. I am about to leave for a Braves game and we have second row behind the first base dugout! Woohoo!! Look for me on tv!
Here are a few pics of the girls. They look like they could be sisters! How cute are they???

Um, yeah, Mom has a cool new phone now. One that takes pictures! "Hello 2008, Michelle is here to join you!" That was Friday night.
Then on Saturday, Best Boyfriend Ever and I took Sophie and her sweetie friend to the Egyptian exhibit at Emory to look at the mummies! Sophie is SO into archeaology and getting to see real live mummies, wait, real DEAD mummies was the coolest! They got some books and some scarabs to wear. Too fun. I am about to leave for a Braves game and we have second row behind the first base dugout! Woohoo!! Look for me on tv!
Here are a few pics of the girls. They look like they could be sisters! How cute are they???