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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree 

Noah doodles comics on EVERYTHING. I think they are hysterical - even if he does use profanities from time to time. (he turns 12 on Friday, what are ya gonna do?) I have taught him to use symbols like $#!!*$ so that if he ever gets caught in school he won't get in trouble for writing swear words. This is one of my favorite doodles of his and I copied exactly from one of his school notebooks and put in on canvas for his room to surprise him when he got back. I dunno, maybe we just share the same warped sense of humor, but I doodle it now in meetings myself!

(not really hung as crooked as it looks - it is the camera angle!)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Guess who's home??? 

Ahhhhhhh....now I feel normal again. It was like missing an arm or a leg for the past five weeks.

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